速報APP / 教育 / Following Directions Monsters

Following Directions Monsters



檔案大小:43.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Following Directions Monsters(圖1)-速報App

Following directions monsters was designed by educators to help children practice and improve their auditory memory and following directions skills. This application has a total of 27 levels, starting with basic recognition of items, all the way to complex directions involving sequential directions.

Level one includes basic directions such as “ Touch the car”, complex levels include directions such as “ first touch the big yellow car, then touch the blue pencil, and lastly touch the small yellow bird.

This app allows you to practice these skills with up to five children at the same time. A variety of settings allows adults to easily

Following Directions Monsters(圖2)-速報App

Adults will be able to track and monitor progress using our state of the art report card.


1. A total of 270 questions

Following Directions Monsters(圖3)-速報App

2. Audio feedback

3. Tasks get increasingly more difficult with every level

4. Practice a variety of vocabulary concepts such as colors, size and order

Following Directions Monsters(圖4)-速報App

5. Multi-player capabilities

6. Data tracking

Following Directions Monsters(圖5)-速報App
